Monday, December 10, 2012


My Portrait
Camera: Exilim S5
Shutterspeed: 1/60 sec
f/stop: 3.1
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 6mm
Tripod: No
           At first I didn't really have a great idea for a portrait. I thought I should get an older man with a lot of wrinkles and put him on a black background, but after exploring that idea I didn't care for that much. I'm not too much of a fan on staging shots for portraits. So, I decided t go up on the rims, and I wanted to get my girlfriend with the sunset in the background and didn't have much luck with the lighting. So on our way back to the truck I turned around and she was laughing so I snapped a shot quick while she was still laughing. I wanted to get her laughing because she is so laid back and down to earth that capturing laughing just totally reveals her character. I didnt like how boring the colors were so I turned it into black and white to create more contrast. Overall I think you just have to play with your options for portraits and sometimes just get your target in it's natural form rather than staging a shot and having them in a pose all the time. That's what I have learned about portraits anyways.

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